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  • Excess Body Fat:Prevention & Treatment

    Excess Body Fat:
    Prevention & Treatment

    Most of us might not know the importance of body fat but it plays a huge role in keeping you in shape and supporting many body processes. However, there are limits to what the recommended percentage of body fat is and what is excess.

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    Clinical studies confirm it:

    You can burn excess body fat!

    You can lose weight!

    You can improve your health!

Do you suffer from excess body fat?
Your excess body fat levels can be measured using the body mass index (BMI) index. BMI is an estimate of an individual’s relative body fat calculated from one’s height and weight.

What is Body Fat?

Excess weight is directly related to excess body fat. You can simply tell if you are overweight by measuring your BMI as well as your waist size.

Excess Body Fat

  • What is Body Fat?
  • What is Body Fat?
  • What is Body Fat?

Body fat is basically essential body fat and storage body fat contained in the body. The percentage of essential fat is 2-5% while that for women is 10-13%. The high value for women can be attributed to demands of childbearing and other hormonal functions. Ideally, you need to burn excess body fat.

Essential body fat plays the roles of maintaining life and reproductive functions. Storage fat on the other hand protects internal organs located in the chest and abdomen. Some vitamins depend on fat for absorption and storage. Vitamins A, D, E and K called fat-soluble vitamins cannot function properly without adequate daily fat intake. Fat stored in the adipose tissue insulates the body and helps sustain a normal core body temperature.

Excess body fat occurs when the percentage surpasses the 14-17% limit for men and 21-24% limit for women. The percentages are expressed in terms of their body weight. Values in excess of this could cause obesity and other health issues such as heart disease and stroke.

Waist size is another good measure since having too much fat around your waist increases your health risk more than having fat in other body parts. For women the waist size should not exceed 35 inches while for men it should not exceed 40 inches.

You should try to get rid of excess body fat at all costs in order to avoid exposing yourself to numerous health hazards. On the other hand, low body fat could also pose a health threat.

Risk Factors of High Body Fat

You will be exposed to a lot of health risks if you have high body fat content in your body. This is especially so if you have increased accumulation of body fats which leads to excess weight.



One of the biggest risks is obesity which brings with it more problems. This occurs when there is excess body fat being stored and it is not being burnt off in such ways as exercising.

Heart diseases

Heart diseases

With heart diseases, you will have more complications such as high blood pressure, high levels of bad cholesterol and low levels of good cholesterol. This is related to a high BMI value.

Gouts and gallstones

Gouts and gallstones

You are also prone to less common ailments such as gouts and gallstones. Generally, there is a direct relationship between BMI and risk: the higher the BMI, the higher the likelihood of disease.



Gallstones, which are caused by accumulation of bad cholesterol, cause stomach or back pain. Breathing difficulties and pains occur such that poor breathing results in too much carbon dioxide and too little oxygen in the blood.

Pregnancy complications

Pregnancy complications

With pregnancy complications, women whose BMI is quite high are also exposed to risks of blood pressure and diabetes. While the women are giving birth, they are more likely to need a Cesarean delivery, as compared to women with normal body weight. The babies born to such mothers are also affected and they might be born prematurely or require special care after delivery. There is a likelihood of them being obese as children as well.



There is a direct relationship between excessive body fat and Cancer. According to clinical studies, high body fat may significantly increase the risks of cancer: up to 24 percent in men and 32 percent in women. Burning excess body fat can help you decrease the chances of getting cancer.

Do you suffer from excess body fat?
Many health issues may arise if you have excess body fat including difficulties in breathing, arthritis, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, cancer, stroke, depression, pregnancy complications include many more. All these problems are related in one way or another.

Causes of Excess Body Fat

Excess body fat is usually not a single resolvable problem, it is often a combination of factors that cause this issue. There are causes of excess body fat which you should avoid:

Inactive lifestyle

An inactive lifestyle causes fat gain. Your appetite is normally on a high and your rate of burning fat is quite low especially when you don’t engage in any exercises or workouts or even walking. Since you have low endurance, you lack energy to do basic things. Fat easily deposits around important internal organs and around the belly and waist as well.

Lack of sleep and rest

Lacking enough sleep and rest also causes fat gain. People who sleep for less hours generally have a higher BMI than people who sleep more since sleep deprivation affects metabolism. Hormonal imbalance occurs and this boosts your appetite for food. Your insulin sensitivity also decreases and it is therefore impossible to lose fat under these conditions.


Poor stress management and depression can also lead to gaining of body fat. Under constant stress, the hormone responsible for extra fat storage around the abdominal storage and increase in appetite is released. You eat more and most of the fat taken into the body will be stored in the abdomen which is quite risky.

Poor diet

Poor food choices and poor eating habits are major causes of body fat gain. One such cause is overeating. Eating of foods deficient in protein and rich in fats and oils also leads to body fat gain. Drinking alcohol as well as smoking also accelerates the process of accumulating body fat since the body tends to store more fat under these habits. They affect proper functioning of insulin.


Genetics also plays a major role in causing body fat gain. A child born to obese or overweight parents under the same environment is likely to be overweight as well. They are likely to suffer the same health risks as their parents too.

Side effects of medications

Some prescription medication could lead to fat gain as well with weight being side effect. Some common ones in this category include hormonal medications for birth control or menopause, oral steroids, some anti-depressants, diabetes medication and anti-psychotic medication. Some health conditions and diseases such as hypothyroidism and Cushing’s syndrome also lead to fat gain.

Luckily, the medical science invented methods to prevent gaining excess fat and help men and women burn body fat.

How to Prevent Gaining Excess Fat?

In the case where you gain a lot of fat and you have made a decision to lose it, you should not despair since your health is not lost. There are several lifestyle changes that you should make to burn body fat and prevent gaining excess fat.

Lifestyle modification for fat loss:


Avoid stress and depressions

In this case, the body will not release the potent hormones responsible for causing cravings and the fat reserves stored will therefore be used in the bloodstream. Stress causes you to eat a lot and the fat from the food is stored. The more stress, the more the abdominal or central obesity occurs and this, especially belly fat, poses you to a greater risk for heart disease and diabetes.


Get enough sleep

When you sleep enough and the body has adequate rest, you will feel satisfied after meals and food cravings will be reduced. In the case where you are exercising you muscles will have relaxed and you will have energy to exercise. Deprivation of sleep affects use of insulin in your body. With enough sleep, insulin will function well and fat cells will remove fatty acids and lipids from your bloodstream and prevent storage.


Quit smoking

Quitting smoking decreases insulin resistance so that central fat accumulation around the abdomen and belly is gotten rid of gradually. Smoking affects the rate at which the body uses energy and alters the body’s natural regulation of calorie intake.


Reduce alcohol intake

Drinking alcohol means you are taking in more calories than you are consuming since the drink contains a lot of sugar. This will obviously be converted to stored fat. It is also quite difficult for fat to be burnt when alcohol is taken. Reducing alcohol intake to a moderate amount could have the effect of reducing storage fat especially in the short run.

Try natural pills for fat burning
This is an effective solution as long as the pills are used as supplements alongside proper dieting and working out.
Make sure you do enough research to avoid using unproven and potentially dangerous things that could backfire and cause serious health problems.

How to Burn Excess Body Fat?

There are different ways to burn excess body fat. You should choose a natural and safe method and be consistent. Make sure you stick to your weight loss plan.

We all know that burning excess body fat is not a walk in the park. However, if you are consistent and you do the right thing you will surely lose the extra body fat that you intend.

The basic concept of burning excess body fats is burning more calories than you consume. In this way we always maintain a caloric deficit. Everything you do to burn the excess body fat should therefore work in this way.



To lose unwanted body fat and maintain the right amount of body fat requires discipline in dieting. You should have an idea of what your body fat percentage is and your daily calories needs. The process of dieting goes down to decreasing your sugar, or simple carb intake, and your fat intake.

Gradually cut back on all bad fats, while strategically cutting back on carbohydrates. High protein, moderate carb and low fat is the way to go. You could also increase the number of meals to 5-6 in place of 3 heavy meals.

You should also engage in eating habits that cause you to indirectly cause you to create a caloric defect. This mean that your intake of calories is lower than consumption. Diet is good and required for all weight loss plans; however, it is not enough if use alone. It should be part of fat burning strategy.






Many people have no idea the best exercises they could apply to lose excess body fat and not necessarily the weight. To lose weight basically means to lose water, muscle and fat. You could intend to keep the muscle which will prove quite advantageous in the long run.

Make sure that you exercise moderately with aerobics and body weights, gradually increasing the intensity during fat loss. This technique is very good but time consuming. You therefore have to sacrifice time and develop a lot of endurance as you take on the exercises. Patience is also called for since somewhere along the fitness journey, people usually give up and stop exercising. Practically, it takes months and even years to burn excess body fat with exercises alone.

If you intend to lose a considerable amount of body fat, make sure that you engage in full body workouts to burn fat. This is because engaging the whole body allows you to work out with the greatest frequency and intensity.




Prescription Medications

Prescription Medications

Prescription medications are also a very effective way of burning excess body fat. Belly fat which is quite common should especially be taken care of since it brings with it many health problems. Losing Belly fat with prescription weight loss drugs like Meridia, Phentermine and Xenical is an effective solution. The drugs are especially recommended for people serious health risks such as high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes.

To burn fat, you could apply the drugs when proper nutrition and exercising are taking a bit too long to bear results. You should use the drugs along these two practices to accelerate the process of fat loss.

Before using the drugs, you should do enough research and consult a medical professional for advice. This is to avoid instances of allergies and other conditions you may have in the course of body fat burning. Caution needs to be taken if you are breastfeeding, pregnant or planning to get pregnant.




Fat removal surgery (Liposuction)

Fat removal surgery (Liposuction)

This is quite an easy solution of losing extra body fat. Liposuction is quite fast in obtaining the much needed results. It also takes you less effort to achieve your fat loss goals. It is especially used in areas of unwanted, diet-and-exercise resistant fat. This could be a persistent stomach protrusion after pregnancy, areas of fat around the thighs, legs, abdomen, neck, back, arms, flanks and face.

However, it can be very risky and extremely costly. It costs much more as compared to other nonsurgical solutions. Pain is involved in the procedure and the recovery period is quite long. Before you heal completely, you daily activities will be restricted and in case you want to restart exercising, caution should be taken. Due to the high risks involved, fat removal surgery is not covered by insurance.




Natural pills for fat burning

Natural pills for fat burning include herbs, vitamins and minerals used for ages for body fat burning without side effects. They basically speed up your fat-burning metabolism and basically supplement particular nutrients so that you stifle cravings. The pills especially come in handy in helping loose unwanted abdominal fat.

Common herbs used include cinnamon, black pepper, lemon, ginger, turmeric, cayenne pepper and many others. For the peppers, using them has the effect of raising the body temperature especially when used in excess.

They boost metabolism and thus burn calories which in this case is the excess body fat. The other herbs work in a similar manner. Minerals and vitamins responsible for fat loss include iron, vitamin C, vitamin B-12, vitamin B-6, calcium, iodine and vitamin D.




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According to scientific studies:
Natural pills for fat burning may work slower than other methods but they are absolutely safe and have no side effects.
With these natural pills, you are assured of healthy progress and permanent results.

Read more about natural pills for fat burning

Clinical Studies

Extensive clinical studies have proven the ability of natural pills for fat burning. The pills contains different ingredients which perform different roles all aimed at ensuring you lose weight.

Studies conducted in Weight Loss Center in Arizona, USA on a sample of people using natural pills as an option for body fat loss and weight loss have come to a conclusion that the pills are quite effective and all patients reduced their body fat levels by at least 14.6%, their body weight by at least 5.5% and up to 39%; and even increased their body muscle by a certain percentage.

Thorough research and testing has been done to ensure that the natural pills for fat burning are safe for human consumption. The side effects are also determined so that they are put out there for you to choose. There are hardly any side effects but habits such as overdependence on the pills should be avoided after some time once the results set in.

Clinical Studies

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